Kindly fill out the form and proceed to make payment, and our team will contact you to further facilitate your business name registration and get your certificate printed and delivered to your preferred location.


If you need assistance filling out this form, kindly use the chat option at the lower right corner of your screen to reach out to our customer support team to guide you



1 Week - GH₵650
2 Week - GH₵550
Full Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number 1 *
Phone Number 2 *
Ghana Card Number *
Date of Birth *
Nationality *
Proposed Business Name *
Nature of Business/Sector(s) *
If your sector is not listed, write your sector in the space provided for “others”.
Brief Description of Business Activities *
Street Name *
City *
District *
Region *
Digital Address *
Postal Address (P.O. BOX, PMB, DTD) *
Registered Office Address: (If different from Business Address)
Title *
First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Occupation *
Gender *
Residential Address *
House No. *
Digital Address *
Ownership of Premises *
If Owner Occupied is it part rented?
If Yes provide details of Landlord
Town/City *
Region *
Number of Employees Envisaged *
Revenue Envisaged
Business Operating Permit (BOP) Request *
Do you have Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)? *
TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number)
Upload Ghana Card Front *

Max file size (Mb): 2

Max number of files: 1

Upload Ghana Card Back *

Max file size (Mb): 2

Max number of files: 1

Upload E-Signature *

Max file size (Mb): 2

Max number of files: 1

Processing Duration *
Design Delivery Address *